this is a brand of optical accessories, which impress! Microfiber clothes, sprays for cleaning lenses and smart surfaces, travel kits and containers for contact lenses, eyeglass cords – each detail is spectacular and effective, high quality and incredibly beautiful!
Inspiring COMFORT
Fascinating QUALITY
Exciting DESIGN
Pleasing PRICES
Microfiber clothes
Fashion Style microfiber clothes are made from a material that perfectly removes various contaminants from the lens surface: fingerprints, dust, grease and many other types of contaminants. At the same time, the special structure of the microfiber clothes by Fashion Style brand never causes any damage to the lenses, regardless of their type.
Colors and patterns of these microfiber clothes were created by a team of Fashion Style designers specifically so that each user could easily choose an accessory to the own taste.
Premium line of travel kits and containers for contact lenses from Walt Disney
Bright. Original. Truly adorable! Every accessory is a fairy tale of your childhood which has come true! They are manufactured by license Walt Disney and meet the high-tech principles of the manufacturer. Namely: only handmade, without glue, without dyes and without toxins.